Cophenetic metrics for phylogenetic trees, after Sokal and Rohlf

Correlation between metrics over phylogenetic trees with 3 leaves

Non-necessary binary phylogenetic trees

Spearman's correlation between cophenetic, nodal and RF metrics.

 Cophenetic p=1Cophenetic p=2Nodalsp p=1Nodalsp p=2RF
Coph p=
Coph p=2
Nsp p=1
Nsp p=2   1.01.0
RF    1.0

2D histograms. A darker squeare means that there are more trees with that relationship.

 Cophenetic p=2Nodalsp p=1Nodalsp p=2RF
Coph p=1
Coph p=2 
Nsp p=1  
Nsp p=2   

Binary phylogenetic trees

Spearman's correlation between cophenetic, nodal and RF metrics.

 Cophenetic p=1Cophenetic p=2Nodalsp p=1Nodalsp p=2Nodalunsp p=1Nodalunsp p=2RF
Coph p=
Coph p=2
Nsp p=1
Nsp p=2
Nunsp p=1
Nunsp p=2     1.01.0
RF      1.0

2D histograms. A darker squeare means that there are more trees with that relationship.

 Cophenetic p=2Nodalsp p=1Nodalsp p=2Nodalunsp p=1Nodalunsp p=2RF
Coph p=1
Coph p=2 
Nsp p=1  
Nsp p=2   
Nunsp p=1    
Nunsp p=2