Laboratori de Matemàtiques I

Professor: Joe Miró Julià
Office: 168, Tel.: 971 172 982
e-mail: joe.miro (arrob)

Course documents

NEW Final report or presentation

Initially, part of the grade was to be awarded by writing a report on a subject of history of mathematics. Given that several of you have commented that you liked the experience of researching and presenting the subject of mathematics in the middle ages, I am offering the oportunity of changing the final essay by a presentation similar to the one you made. These are the conditions:

Possible subjects

The subjects for the presentations are about current trends in mathematics. You can choose one of the following. I list many parts for every subject. These are only examples of material to cover: there is no need to cover them all! If you want to research a subject not on the list, consult me first.

Homework assignments

Web resources


Number systems

Pythagoreans, esthetics, music

Greek mathematics